Ing. Jiří Hlinka, Ph.D.

Opportunities for ultrahigh speed and density information processing open up with the discovery of nanoscale atomic whirls induced by electric field stimuli. Scientists from the Institute of Physics contributed to a study uncovering how polarization whirls react to THz pulses on the nanometre scale, which was published in the April 15th issue of
FZU researchers, in a world-wide collaboration led by Dr. Pavlo Zubko from University College London, have found that in superlattices, composed of layers of a ferroelectric material separated by thin metallic spacers, electric dipoles form an unusual pattern of nanoscale domains that order in three dimensions to create a ‘domain supercrystal’, exhibiting outstanding dielectric response.
A domain pattern with multiple polar domain walls in non-polar CaTiO3 from a review article: “Domain-wall engineering and topological defects in ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials” highlighted the front cover of the November issue of Nature Reviews Physics.
Scientists from the Institute of Physics have achieved tremendous success in all listed categories, including the new EXPRO program to support excellence in basic research