Dipolar liquid in the solid phase
Researchers from the Department of Dielectrics at FZU together with their colleagues from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University have succeeded for the first time in observing an electrical analogue of the spin liquid in EuAl12O19.
Picosecond nonlinear optoelectronics in graphene
The terahertz spectroscopy group of Petr Kužel in collaboration with the Charles University described nonlinear behavior of charge carriers during early times after pulsed optical excitation in epitaxially grown graphene layers. The time evolution of the system is determined by nonlinear electronic response of graphene, which opens the possibility of the increase of the speed of optoelectronic elements. The results the study were published in a prestigious journal Advanced Functional Materials.
Researchers' Night in the THz lab
Petr Kužel and his colleagues from the THz science and technology group introduced their research themes in a general public video during the European Researchers' Night.