Jakub Dostálek, PhD.

Employee function
Head of Laboratory
+420 266 05 2131
dostalek [at] fzu.cz
O 314

The laboratory of Biophotonics focuses on optical spectroscopy and microscopy techniques serving in life sciences and bioanalytical technologies. It renders an interdisciplinary research that combines materials sciences, optical nanostructures, nanophotonics, micro- and nanofluidics, optical spectroscopy, microscopy, and polymer-based biointerfaces. Current projects deal with the development of novel methods for the analysis of biomolecules and their interactions and for sensitive and rapid detection of harmful compounds and biomarkers, with the relevance to important fields of diagnosis of diseases, personalized medicine, and environmental monitoring. It is carried out by an international team of scientists with the background in physics, materials research and biotechnologies. We operate on both basic and applied research side.