Jiří Hybler (15. 4. 1949–25. 7. 2024)
Jiří Hybler studied geology at the Faculty of Science and was directed to crystallography, which was then beginning to develop rapidly in our country, by Professor Jiří Novák. He put him in contact with Associate Professor Syneček in the Metals Department of the then Institute of Solid State Physics in Cukrovarnická, where Jiri started his career.
Later, around 1980, he moved to Dr. Linek's department, today's Department of Structure Analysis, which he never left. Over the years he developed into an expert in the phenomenon of order-disorder structures and devoted several decades to the study of the mineral cronstedtite, which belongs to the layered silicates, the so-called serpentines. Of its sixteen polytypes, Jirka discovered four completely new ones and redefined others, and published a number of key publications on these minerals.
Jirka was a man of many interests and activities. Above all, he was a great lover of the railway and knew the history of its construction in the Czech lands in admirable detail. He knew which line was built by which construction company and also where and how the lines of each company were connected. He often said that he had to take a thorough tour of a certain line because it had an interesting routing, and he was sorry when traffic on one of them was terminated before he could complete his journey. He was also an expert on mountain railways and tunnels in Switzerland. On weekends he would go on rail tours, cycling, cross-country skiing or themed geological walks. He drew inspiration for his travels from, among other things, lectures at the Café Barrande natural history club, of which he was a member and where he also lectured about his travels. He will also be missed by his friends from the general fitness club at TJ Solidus. As long as his health served him, he exercised with iron regularity and did not miss the social events of the club.
For the last few years Jirka has been struggling with a serious illness. He knew that his days were getting shorter, but despite this, or perhaps because of it, he unwaveringly continued his work and came to the institute whenever his health permitted. He was able to explain and pass on to younger colleagues his method of orienting crystals and was very pleased that a proposal was made to name a new mineral, which has a unique structure and chemical composition, Pb4Bi2(SO4)2(CO3)O4, in his honour, as hyblerite. Back in March, he listened to the 309th Crystallographic Talks at FJFI. Two weeks ago, he sent us an email saying that he was not feeling well and that "I am sending a photo to post in case I leave suddenly". His prediction, unfortunately, came true.
Jirka is no longer with us, but he remains in our memories. With Jirka goes a pure and honest man who always did what he considered important and interesting, was completely immune to fashion trends and attractions and managed to win the hearts even of people who did not understand him at all.
Michal Dušek
Pavel Machek
Jakub K. Plášil