The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZÚ) has succeeded in a demanding call “Excelentní výzkum” (Excellent Research) in the Operational Programme Science, Research and Education (OP VVV) with SOLID21 Project and it will receive more than half a billion CZK for the development of a significant European centre in the area of solid-state physics in following years.
The scientific area of solid-state physics is one of the fastest developing areas of physics. Solid-state physics has contributed to many current revolutionary technical innovations, and it is distinguished by a very short period of the implementation of the new findings. The most important discoveries of the physics of solids include e.g. transistors, LEDs, lasers and photovoltaic cells. These discoveries have caused a technological revolution and significantly influenced our lives and the world around us. The basic research falling within the field of the physics of solids belongs among the key activities of the FZÚ and it has a rich tradition here.
SOLID 21 Project (Solid State Physics for 21st Century, Czech name Fyzika pevných látek pro 21. století) combines top teams in the area of the physics of solids at the FZÚ into one joint research centre. The centre will deal with scientific and technical challenges of the 21st century in the fields of nanoelectronics, photonics, magnetism, functional and bioactive materials and plasma technologies.
SOLID21 will result in new knowledge and discoveries which will not only contribute to the basic understanding of processes in modern materials and nanostructures, but they will also be applicable to the development of new materials, devices and applications. The impact of the project can thus be expected in various areas of technology, engineering and medicine. The collaboration of the research centre with the industry and the transfer of research findings and technology into practical applications will benefit from the current research and innovation activities of the FZÚ on a national and international level. The aim of the centre is also to intensify the collaboration with universities by means of more active participation of students, providing them with an opportunity for professional and personal growth.
“The launch of SOLID21 Project is crucial for us,” says Michael Prouza, Director of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. “Thanks to the project the FZÚ will build a new multifunctional building containing modern physical laboratories and research equipment, the absence of which is a limiting factor of the further development of the institute at the moment. These extremely sensitive instruments will enable to perform top-class research, but they will also be used for research and education activities, international collaboration or for hosting visiting foreign scientists.” The new building will be an extension to the existing premises of the FZÚ situated Na Slovance near a tube railway station Ládví. The building has been designed at a well-known studio Bogle Architects which has already participated in the award-winning building of the ELI Beamlines Centre in Dolní Břežany.
The project will also bring a number of new jobs in the areas of management, science and administration. The Institute of Physics has now several vacancies open in the SOLID21 Project (