Webinar: Laser printing of 2D nanomaterials


We would like to invite you to a unique webinar focused on 2D nanomaterials that will be led by our colleague, Dr. Nathan Goodfriend, Postdoctoral Researcher: Nanomaterials, Scientific Laser Applications. Nathan is also a lead author of three pending international patents, for a prototype technology for 3D printing of the world’s thinnest materials.


Nathan Goodfriend - webinar

WHEN: November 22, 2022 | 14:00 CET
LINK for REGISTRATIONhttps://bit.ly/2DNANOwebinar


  • Motivation for assembly of 2D nanostructures,
  • Introduction to Laser Induced forward transfer, LIFT (a method of assembling microstructures),
  • Development of Blister Based LIFT which enables gentle transfer of micro and nanomaterials,
  • Control of Blister based LIFT through underlying theory,
  • Use of Blister-based LIFT on 2D nanomaterials,
  • Development of patent pending Prototype for guided transfer of 2D materials,
  • Call for project partners and collaborative advancement.

Nathan also wrote a white paper that introduces complex information on the topic of Laser Based Precise Selection and Transfer of Ultra-Nanomaterials. More information is HERE.


Other interesting publications can be found HERE.