CrysTBox - About


What is CrysTBox

CrysTBox is a computer suite for transmission electron microscopists, crystallographers and material scientists. It is developed in the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and offered free of charge for academic and educational purposes. It is implemented in MATLAB and compiled to stand-alone installers, so the end user does not need MATLAB license.


There are six analytical and visualization tools in CrysTBox. Artificial intelligence is used in the analytical tools in order to make analysis of TEM images automatic and more accurate than human evaluation. Interactive visualization tools facilitate easier understanding of experimental results or material phenomena in general. Their features and use is described in Help.


Where to find more

For further general information about CrysTBox, please refer to the following pages.

Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions answered.


List of publications about CrysTBox (for citaton purposes, this page is more convenient).


Many thanks to people without whom CrysTBox would not have been here in this shape.


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